Saturday, April 11, 2009

Adding PDF to Your Website

If you decide to add an article or short story to you website, you can add it as a PDF file. Once upon a time, that meant you had to purchase the Adobe Acrobat program, which currently costs $449. Fortunately, you can chose from a number of options that allow you to create a PDF for little or no cost.

If you feel like making sure Adobe gets something for its services, you can go to the Adobe website and use their online converter. Adobe offers unlimited PDF conversions for $9.99 a month. As a trial basis, you can create five PDF files for free. Because you don't need security features, like password protection, or any other advanced features, though, you can probably get by with one of the many free conversion pages available.

I Googled "pdf online" and came up with a number of options. The first hit was a site called, which I used to create a PDF of a short story. It was easy to use, and e-mailed the file to me at my e-mail address. When I checked the output, it was fine.

If you're posting a story or article, it's probably a pretty simple file and most of the free online services should be sufficient.

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