Sunday, March 22, 2009

Broadcasting on the Internet for Free, Part I

When I was a kid, I knew I wanted to do radio because my voice would go out every time we passed under a bridge or went through a tunnel. Unfortunately, the reality of the radio industry--minimum wage with no benefits for a full-time job--didn't jibe well with my desire to eat something better than ramen noodles.

Now, nearly a quarter century later, I can do radio any time I want from the comfort of anyplace that has a phone and a high-speed Internet hook-up. You can, too, and it's a great way to market your book.

BlogTalkRadio is a free, internet-based means to broadcast to listeners via the Internet. All you need to do is create an account, schedule a show, then do it all via the phone. It's so easy, even my mom could do it (a very smart lady, but not someone prone to spend lots of time exploring cyberspace).

In the next few entries, we'll take a look at how to use BlogTalkRadio, starting from how to register, to how to set up a show, to how to conduct the show. Then, when it's all over, we'll talk about how it fits in your arsenal of online marketing tools.

Next time: Getting Started.

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